Netherlands: Feeling Dutch dependant on job and language

Netherlands: Feeling Dutch dependent on job and language

Being fluent in Dutch plays an important role in whether non-Western immigrants feel Dutch. Having a job also encourages identification with the Netherlands.

Non-Western immigrants born in the Netherlands feel Dutch 1.5 time more than first generation immigrants who were born abroad (~70% vs. ~50%). If one of the parents was born in the Netherlands, the second generation non-Western immigrants almost always see themselves as Dutch.

80% of the Surinamese feel Dutch, the biggest proportion than any other non-Western immigrant group. Turks, where less than half identify as Dutch, have the lowest proportion. Moroccans and Antilleans are mid-way in between (Moroccans with around 50%, Antilleans with about 60%). There's generally no difference between men and women.

Turks, Moroccans and Antilleans are more likely to feel Dutch if they have a job. For Surinamese it makes no difference. Turks and Moroccans who have been employed for a while identify with the Netherlands about twice as often as those who hadn't worked.

Non-Western immigrants who have no trouble speaking Dutch feel Dutch more often than those who do have trouble with the language. For those who speak Dutch fluently, the level of identification with the Netherlands is not affected by whether they've worked or not.

Source: Netherlands Statistics (Dutch)