Flemish Minister for Equal Opportunities, Pascal Smet (SP.a), is subsidizing screenings of the movie Turquaze, to get as many Turkish-Flemish or Flemish-Turks to see it.
But several newspapers reported that the screenings, subsidized by the Hotline for Immigrant Girls and Women, only allows access to women. Some men removed their wives during a naked scene.
In a discussion in the Equal Opportunities Committee in the Flemish Parliament, Fientje Moerman (Open VLD) brought up the question whether the minister is subsidizing 'segregated' screenings.
Minister Smet denied emphatically that there was an initiative for segregated screenings. He also spoke against generalizations, saying that just because a few men take their wives out, that doesn't mean everybody does so. He said he sees no reason not to support the movie.
Source: VRT (Dutch)
See also: Antwerp: Older Turks shocked by multicultural movie