Sunday, March 20, 2011

Germany: Muslims forming charity system for kindergartens and care homes

Germany: Muslims forming charity system for kindergartens and care homes

Via the Local:
Muslims in Germany want to form their own charity to support retirement homes and kindergartens nationwide, leader of the Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) said Friday.

Such a system is desperately needed by Muslims and would have the same rights and duties as Christian charities, Aiman Mazyek told daily Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.

In some parts of Germany it is almost impossible to find a non-church affiliated kindergarten, he explained, adding that they are allowed to reject potential employees from other religions.

“That is legal and I understand it,” he told the paper.

But it is also fairly common to find Christian kindergartens with enrolment of up to 90 percent Muslim children and no Muslim employees, he said.
