Monday, March 28, 2011

Sweden: Islamic Association invites antisemitic preacher

Sweden: Islamic Association invites antisemitic preacher

Swedish journalist Per Gudmundson adds on his blog that Sweden's Young Muslims are inviting Jamal Badawi to their upcoming youth conference. Per the Investigative Project on Terrorism (PDF), Badawi justifies suicide attacks as legitimate war tactics. Sweden suffered its first suicide attack this past December. Last year Sweden's Young Muslims were forced to cancel a visit by hate preacher Abdullah Hakim Quick.

Via the Local:
The Islamic Association in Sweden (Islamiska Förbundet) engaged lecturers with anti-Semitic opinions at a conference in Stockholm in December, with one known for spreading myths about Jewish conspiracies and ritual killings, reported the Dagens Nyheter (DN) daily.

The newspaper names, among others, Salah Sultan, an Egyptian professor who has expressed anti-Semitism in several film clips on Youtube.


After being shown the YouTube clips of the Egyptian speaking, Abdirizak Waberi, a member of parliament and former chairperson of the Islamic Association, expressed surprise.

"We have invited him in good faith," he said.

Waberi stressed that had the association known of the film clips, the lecturer would probably not have been invited. He furthermore underlined that Sultan said nothing that could be construed as anti-Semitic during the course of the conference.
