Via Islam vs. Europe (via Kleine Zeitung):
Why is the building of the mosque so problematical in your view?
GAISCH: I’ve got nothing against it, as long as it’s there for everyone. And the financing must not be a secret. For their mosque in Herrgottwiesgasse the Bosnians mentioned costs of twelve million. That cannot be financed from the association members alone. We suspect foreign, perhaps Saudi Arabian, forces are behind it. That’s how it was in Bosnia and there are problems there today. I also detect this intention in Graz.
The mosque as a refuge for radicalisation?
GAISCH: In the worst case. It’ll never be an obvious radicalism. There won’t ever be sword-fighters coming. We will be slowly infiltrated. This population group has more children, another lifestyle. They’re doing it very cleverly with a building in which lots of people will have a place. It’ll be more than a mosque: a cultural, social centre with nurseries.(source)