Sunday, November 25, 2007

Belgium: Muslim burial

According to Khalid Assecour, there should be a central Muslim cemetery for Muslims in Limburg. Assecour is responsible for cemeteries in Houthalen-Helchteren.

Currently five Limburg municipalities reserves places for Muslims who have passed away. But because more Muslims living in Limburg want to be buried there and not all Muslims from smaller communities get an opportunity to do so, it would be better to provide one central cemetery.

The subject of Muslim burial is also relevant in Mechelen and Ghent. Mechelen is currently checking if it's possible to arrange a separate cemetery for Muslims. Ghent announced it does not want a separate cemetery for Muslims, but rather burial in existing churchyards will be provided oriented in the direction of Mecca.

The Limburg municipalities of Beringen, Dilsen-Stokkem, Houthalen-Helchteren, Maaseik and Neerpelt provide separate places for Muslims. According to the Islamic tradition, Muslims are buried with a shroud, on their right side, in the direction of Mecca. Islam also proscribes that a burial is eternal.

Source: HBVL (Dutch), h/t Nieuw Religieus Peil (Dutch)

See also:
Norway: Muslim cemetery only for city residents, Netherlands: Cemetery turned, Denmark: First Muslim cemetery