Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nazi roundup

My blog does not deal with the extreme right. It deals with European Muslims. However, after I recently voiced my opinion that the extreme right is dangerous, I got responses that I'm overreacting. Maybe. For a Jew it is easy to overreact to the right-wing violence in Europe.

In any case, here's a bit of a roundup of what Neo-Nazi organizations have been up to recently. When available, I found an English source. Some articles actually deal with the response to the right-wing violence, and not the right wing actions itself.

I do not think that neo-Nazism is right around the corner. However, I think it is wrong to suppose that it does not exist or that it is "harmless" just because in many European countries it is illegal. These stories do not represent everything that happened in Europe in the past few weeks, they represent those stories I happened to run across in my regular news reading.

- Two 16-year-old boys, members of the National-Socialist Front, have been convicted of the murder of a physically disabled 55-year-old man ( The Local, English)

- Girl from Ecuador attacked on train in Barcelona, apparently for racist reasons ( Global Voices , English)
- 16-year old killed by right-wing soldier in Madrid after being called "Nazi". The soldier was on his way to a right-wing demonstration, the victim on his way to a counter-protest. ( Expatica, English)
- In both cases, the murders sparked riots.

- National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) staged protest against mosque in Hausen and against the "Islamization of Europe" ( Expatica, English)
- Five men charged for attacking Sudanese and Egyptian ( Expatica, English)
- 237 Jewish graves have been desecrated in 2002-2006 ( HLN, Dutch)

- Racist graffiti in Ipswich ( Evening Star, English)

Czech Republic:
- Young National Democrats march through Prague Jewish Quarter on Kristallnacht in protest against Iraq War ( Expatica, English)

- Dutch musician knifes three Poles in night-club after suffering from racist abuse (HLN , Dutch)
- 65 year old charged with threatening to run his car into two girls, apparently for racist reasons (NHD , Dutch)
- Nationalist People's Movement (NVB) allowed to march in Slotervaart, Amsterdam (Parool, Dutch)
- Centre Information and Documentation on Israel (CIDI ) reports antisemitism rose by 64% in the past two years in the Netherlands. The CIDI blames the extreme right wing for most attacks. ( Telegraaf, Dutch)

- Croatian hooligans flirt with Nazi ideology (Expatica, English)

- Judge allows sell of "Nazi" wine with pictures of Hitler and "Seig Heil" slogans (6 minutes, Dutch)

- Head of the Danish National-Socialist Movement sentenced for attacking policeman during protest (Berlingske Tidende, Danish)