Anne Liv Gamlem is the Oslo leader for the conservative party Christian Unity Party (Kristent Samlingsparti). She says in an interveiew with that she is worried about "how fast the Muslim population in Oslo is growing".
"There were some American tourists I knew that were here ten years ago. They were surprised at how Muslim Oslo looked." she adds that with the politicians having allowed the immigration Norway has had, it has become what is has. "Those who have come here, they are here. I don't support sending anybody home again, but we must put Christianity in a high place. We must prevent a Muslim majority." It must be kept in mind when people see how fast that part of the population grows, she says in the interview which started off about Oslo police's weapon rights.
Additionally Gamlem thinks that the expansion of mosques in Oslo must be regulated:
"I have nothing special against a mosque looking like a mosque. But I think that a mosque's expansion must be regulated. In the past people in several circles talked of a mosque free zone. I don't think it's natural that mosque pop up at every corner. It shouldn't pop up everywhere. People shouldn't wake up to calls for prayer," she says.
About the call to prayer from the mosques, Gamlem has strong opinions:
"I was part of a action committee against Muslim calls to prayer and I continued against it. Sharia doesn't allow other religions to express themselves in the public space in the Islamic state. All prayers etc must be held inside the four walls of God's house. Forget about allowing expressions in the public space at all," she says.
The conservative Christian politician is afraid conservative Muslim politicians will get too much power. She says she's afraid that like somebody from the Islamic Council said in a debate with Carl I. Hagen on NRK: "if there will be a majority in Norway, he wants Islamic laws. Then non-Muslims will become second class citizens."
"I think that the Muslims should respect that this is a Christian country," she says explaining that she thinks there's a de-Christianizing of Norwegian schools.
Source: TV2 (Norwegian)