Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trondheim: Muslim police student incident during Jewish community visit

A Muslim student acted threateningly, aggressively and in a racist manner while visiting a Jewish synagogue.

The heads of the Mosaic Society (mosaiske trossamfunn) in Tronheim reacted sharply to the behavior of the police student during a visit to the synagogue and the Jewish museum in Trondheim. President Rita Abrahamsen wrote a three page mail to police director Ingelin Killengreen. Asbjørn Gran of the police directorate says that they're currently working to understand the case. He says if the assertions are correct then it's a form of behavior that is totally unacceptable in our service.

The letter says that the police student refused to put on a skull cap when they entered the synagogue, saying he was Muslim. The head of the Jewish museum Henriette Khan answered according to the letter that it doesn't depend on the religion or culture of the visitor, but shows respect for the house of prayer - similar to taking off your shoes when entering a mosque. The student then started cursing, coupled with very threatening body language. he then entered, slamming the door after him. Khan though him aggressive and didn't dare follow up on the issue, according to the letter.

A while after the disturbance the Jewish community was rung up by a co-student from the police school who said that the police student had boasted that he had 'finally put the Jews in their place", according to the letter.

The letter is dated Oct. 16th and is titled, "Unpleasant close contact with a police student"

Abrahamsen didn't want to comment on the case to VG, saying she expressed herself in the letter. Henriette Khan also did not wish to comment.

According to the police academy's site, one of the police academy's top priorities is to reflect today's multi-cultural composition of Norwegian society.

The complaint will now be handled by the police directorate and the police academy in Oslo.

According to the police academy principal Hans Sverre Sjøvold tha man is no longer a student there and has finished his education. They are currently trying to piece together the entire picture, with his and others version of what happened. Sjøvold thinks it's important to find out how the police students behaved, and were perceived by others. He adds that it would be interesting to add this event to the ethical part of the studies.

Neither the police academy or the police directorate wished to arrange contact with the police student or somebody who represents him.

Source: VG (Norwegian)