Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Belgium: Judge allows Muslim woman's life story book

The book "Insoumise et dévoilée" ("Unsubmissive and Unveiled") of 32 year old Muslim woman Karima may be sold, according to a decision by a judge in Verviers today. The parents and sisters of the woman had taken legal action in order to prevent the book from being sold since they thought it infringed on their privacy.

In the book the author tells how she had turned away from her family who according to her had beat her, humiliated her and forced her to marry in the name of religion.

The judge ruled that the case was admissible but not based, since the book is a life story and the author couldn't have made an abstraction of the parents and sisters. The judge also aid that the phrasing of the author aren't sheer accusations against her family.

Regarding the passages that Karima's family wanted to delete the judge said that in these circumstances there was no justification for interfering in the freedom of expression. He said that the book did not cross the limits of freedom of expression.

1,500 copies of the book had already been sold.

Source: HLN (Dutch)