Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Netherlands: Woman sues for hijab go-kart accident

Netherlands: Woman sues for hijab go-kart accident

A woman in Australia was killed when her hijab got entangled in the wheel of her go-kart.  As a recent news story from the Netherlands shows, it is not an isolated incident.


A woman from Heerhugowaard (the Netherlands) is suing the Linnaeushof playground in Bennebroek for 11,000 euro after an accident in which her headscarf got entangled in one of the machines. 

In 2007 the woman from Heerhugowaard joined an outing of an Islamic association.  While on the go-karts, her headscarf got loose, according to the interim decision by the court in Haarlem.  The scarf got wrapped around the rear axle and squeezed her windpipe.  She had to be brought to a hospital.

The Muslim woman blames the playground of having insufficient safety measures and supervision, reports Noord-Hollands dagblad.

Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)