Thursday, November 17, 2011

Luxembourg: Ministry proposes allowing separate gym classes, prayer rooms

Luxembourg: Ministry proposes allowing separate gym classes, prayer rooms

Via Tageblatt 1, 2 (German, h/t Politically Incorrect)

A new draft proposal by the Luxembourg Ministry of Education proposes allowing headscarves, prayer rooms, and separate gym classes for boys and girls. The proposal was sent to school principals for peer review, and was leaked by the local humanist association.

The proposal suggests allowing religious headgear in schools for students. It bans face veils and religious headgear for teachers. The Ministry also proposes setting aside prayer rooms so that students can pray during breaks. Practicing religion elsewhere will not be allowed.

The proposal allows for students to skip swimming classes. Schools may also organize separate gym classes for boys and girls if parents request them.

Education Minister Mady Delvaux says the draft proposal is the result of requests by school principals, who asked for more detailed directives on how to respond in such cases. They increasingly have to deal with cases where students wear clothing for religious reasons, refuse to participate in various lessons, or sue for the right to practice their religion in school.

Jean-Luc Karleskind, vice-president of the Shura, the Muslim community of Luxembourg, told Tageblatt that these requests did not come from the Muslim community, and that they were not contacted on the topic.