Via AD (Dutch):
A special website "You are not alone" has been set up for immigrant girls who are contemplating suicide. The site is an initiative of the Movisie center and youth webistes Marokko.nl, Hababam.nl en Indianfeelings.nl. The site has three separate sections: for Moroccan, Turkish and Suriname-Hindu girls.
A study has shown that immigrants girls are more suicidal. One past study has shown that Turkish and Surinamese women aged 15-24 attempted suicide 2-3 times as often as Dutch women. One reason might be that Turkish, Hindu and Moroccan girls aren't given as much freedom of movement. They feel very pressured because they must protect the honor of their family.
The website offers various information: what causes suicidal behavior, what you can do against it, where you can get help and what to do if you have a suicidal friend. The site was created with help from Turkish, Hindu and Moroccan girls.