I've run into the following site, and found it quite interesting.
The Islamic Thinkers Society - "bringing change through intellectual and political struggle"
You might want to wait throughout the intro movie.
We are less than a handfull of Muslims from Ahlus Sunnah wal jama'ah who give public da'wah to society, where we invite the society to Islam(Aqeedah+Shahriah), command the good, forbid the evil and expose falsehood from every angle. Our struggle is always intellectual & political non-violent means.To find out more about our activities and about our views, we highly recommend you visit the "About Us" page first.
From Wikipedia:
The Islamic Thinkers Society is an Islamic group that seeks the goal of restoring the Islamic Caliphate to create what they call "an ideal Islamic society."
The group states they wish to see a reversal of what they consider to be colonialism and imperialism, including an 'on the ground' reversal of the Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot Agreement and San Remo Agreement. They allege these agreements are part of 'Colonialist Designs' on the Muslim World, and they urge Muslims to consider them illegal, null and void. The group calls for an end what it says are "Colonialist-Imposed Borders," "Colonialist-Imposed States," and "Colonialist-Imposed Rulers."
The group is based in the largely Muslim community of the Jackson Heights neighborhood in Queens, New York City but is active throughout NYC. They have also been linked by the Intelligence Summit to the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, a controversial mosque located in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn which has co-sponsored events with the Islamic Thinkers Society such as demonstrations against Israel.