I have comprehension trouble with the following article. What does "Islamic extremists" mean? Doesn't it imply "suspected terrorists"? If not, then what does it matter if there are Islamic extremists?
The ranks of undocumented immigrants in Norway are swelling. Police now think as many as 10,000 persons are living in the country under false identification papers, and asylum seekers who refuse to cooperate with the authorities seem to get away with it.
Police attached to the immigration service scanned the fingerprints of the only asylum seeker to arrive in Norway on Monday.
Norwegian immigration authorities claim they lack the legal muscle needed to punish or expel would-be refugees who refuse to provide credible identification papers or who lie about their backgrounds.
Norwegian police, who are charged with enforcing the country's immigration laws, also say they have uncovered several Islamic extremists who got into Norway using false identification.
No known or suspected terrorists have been been among them, but police intelligence officials worry it's only a matter of time.
Source: Aftenposten (English)