Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Weird quotes from the news

"I've never seen anything like it in Sweden"

A bizarre case in Sweden - a man was forced to put on explosives in what is supposed to be a revenge over a drug deal.

Though similar cases had happened in the US (see here and here), I found the following quote from the Swedish newspaper The Local article on it curious:

Ali said that he could see the man from inside the shop: "He was sitting down drinking something and the police were speaking to him. I've never seen anything like it in Sweden."

Which makes me wonder, where else did he see it happen?

"The two people arrested are thought to be men"

Or not.. they might just be plain terrorists.

This one is taken from a Sky News article about terrorism arrests in Bolton, UK.

Two people have been arrested under the Terrorism Act during a series of raids in Bolton, according to police. (..) The two people arrested are thought to be men.