Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New book on Muslim youth in the Netherlands

Three political scientists at the University of Amsterdam have published a book on Muslim youngsters in the Netherlands. They conclude that radicalisation need not always lead to extremism.

At the request of the Justice Ministry, Frank J. Buijs, Froukje Demant and Atef Hamdy wrote the 304 page book 'Strijders van eigen bodem: radicale en democratische moslims in Nederland' (Home-grown Warriors: Radical and Democratic Muslims in The Netherlands). The book contains interviews with Muslim youngsters about their views, political choices and about Islam, democracy, radicalisation and violence.

Publisher Amsterdam University Press (AUP): "While a small group of radicals in the Netherlands is turning away from society and undertaking the crusade against the depraved West, democratically active Muslim youngsters are on the other hand seeking an increased participation in Dutch society. This study describes the influence of social factors such as deprivation and exclusion on the process of radicalisation".

The authors "analyse the unique position of the second generation of Muslim youngsters". They "analyse the attraction and danger of extremist thinking but also emphasise that the path to radicalisation need not continue into the path of extremism".

Source: NIS news (English)