Sunday, June 18, 2006

Netherlands: Antisemitic Muslim educational book still in stores

"Guide for a Muslim upbringing" (’Gids voor Islamitische opvoeding’) is a 500 page volume dedicated to teaching Muslim parents how to bring up their kids. It is based on a known Arabic work.

The Dutch public prosecution has decided in 2005 that several “classic anti-Semitic” passages in the book were a punishable offense, and that the publisher “Noer” could avoid prosecution by erasing them from the books.

Dutch newpaper Trouw has investigated whether these directions have been followed, and bough the guide in Dilara - a popular Muslim bookshop with several branches, who also run the Islam Boeken site.

They found that the word “Jews” (‘that through their wickedness and craftiness corrupted the people’) has been covered in several places, but it is still readable. In other places the censor missed it.

Ronny Naftaniël of the Israeli Information and Documentation Center (Centrum Informatie en Documenatie Israël, CIDI) says it’s an “abominable” book and has lodged a complaint against it by the police. Naftaniël says there are also passages against women and that call to hate and violence against homosexuals and atheists. “It’s unacceptable that Dutch Muslims and others will be brought up with these types of starting points.”

According to the public prosecution calling for killing homosexuals and for female circumcision in this religious context is not punishable because they come “in direct relation with the opinions of the religion” of Muslims and they are therefore permissible.

A seller at Dilara says they’ve just run out of the guide and new copies will be ordered as soon as the results of the complaint by CIDI are clear. He also said he’ll make sure that copies will temporarily not be sold over the internet site (which indeed has been done).

Source: Trouw (Dutch), hat tip, Allochtonen Weblog