Monday, December 03, 2007

Catalonia: First congress of Moroccan associations

The first Congress of Moroccan associations of Catalonia was held last weekend in the city of Barcelona, under the theme "associative action: Reality and Perspectives". Round 20 of Moroccan Catalan associations and organizations attended the meeting.

The Congress intends to create a space for dialogue and sharing of ideas and experiences in order to encourage immigrants to integrate Moroccan associative life and adhere to different associations and organizations of the region in order to achieve a network of 'Moroccan associations of Catalonia.

The secretary of Immigration of Généralitat, Oriol Amoros stressed the importance of the contribution of the Moroccan community in Catalonia to the associative and economic life of the region.

He also emphasized the need to facilitate the access of Moroccan immigrant women in the area of employment, stating that four out of ten Moroccan immigrant women have a job compared to 7 out of 10 Catalan.

Source: Thamazigh Actueel (English)