Friday, February 15, 2008

Denmark: Imam blames media for violence

Imam Mohamad Jammal of Skive (Central Jutland Region) thinks that the media are to blame for the violent riots in both Denmark and abroad. The media published the cartoons and ignited the fire. They abuse freedom of speech and bring Denmark into a dangerous situation. Therefore they are traitors. This is not freedom of speech, but pure offense and provocation.

The imam does call upon the local Muslims to stay calm. He says that Muslims don't wish for riots, and that Islam wants calm, but this is a big problem and there might be a crisis worse than the last time.

Source: Skive Folkeblad (Danish), h/t Polemiken (Danish)

See also: Denmark: Riots, Copenhagen: Riots continue, Copenhagen: Riots caused by boredom, Copenhagen: Riots