Sunday, February 24, 2008

Netherlands: Emigration increasing

Emigration from the Netherlands is now at a historic high. 132,470 residents left the country in 2006, according to a study of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), 'Away from the Netherlands, immigration at the beginning of the 21st century'.

The top reason for leaving the Netherlands is the lack of room and tranquility and social problems through pollution, crime and the multicultural society.

The number of people who emigrated has gone up by 67% since 2000. About two thirds are of immigrant origin (about 88,000) and a third are ethnic Dutch (about 44,000). The emigrants are especially young, single men who make a good living.

Source: AD (Dutch)

See also: Netherlands: Third of immigrant youth want to leave, Netherlands: Back to Turkey, Denmark: 25% of immigrant youth want to emigrate