Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Denmark: Women only swimming

About a month ago Mustafa Kellegöz, representative of the Social Democrats in the Silkeborg town council, proposed having special times set aside for female swimming in the municipal swimming pool. In an interview Kellegöz said that some Muslim women can't swim together with men on account of their religion and that prevents them from taking part in various activities. Having female-only swimming hours would benefit people who are isolated.

Leif Lund, representative of the Danish People's Party, opposed the proposal, saying it was discriminatory against men. He says it was a completely foolish proposal and will cement cultural and religious differences and actually prevent well-balanced integration.

Kellegöz was supposed to bring up the proposal in a town council meeting at the end of April, but I could not find any discussion or decision about such a proposal.

Meanwhile, a new project will ensure exactly that. A community sports project for female-only swimming to enable overweight, breast operated or women with self-worth problems to swim without manly eyes around, has recently received a subsidy from the city's health committee. The 3 year project received 102,000 kroner.

The project is not related to Mustafa Kellegöz's proposal.

Sources: TV2oj 1, 2, 3; DR (Danish)