Sunday, May 25, 2008

Denmark: Miss Headscarf 2008

For the winner, see Denmark: Winner of the Miss Headscarf 2008 competition


DR's site for youth above 15, Skum, has started a 'Miss Headscarf 2008' competition. (Skum competition, Danish)

"Headscarves are trendy," says the site. Just look at how much the politicians speak about them all the time. And on the streets there are masses of cool Muslim girls who wear them. Gucci-headscarves, home-designed headscarves, headscarves in all colors.

The girls are asked to find their most stylish outfit and send in a picture. Everybody with a headscarf can take part in the competition.

The pictures will be judged by a fashion expert, and the winners will get a specially designed headscarf from Mads Nørgaard Copenhagen and an iPod. The top five will get a subscription to Muslim Girl Magazine.

Bjarke Ahlstrand, editor of the youth section, says they want to contact all Muslim girls who are rarely heard in the headscarf debate, but who care about fashion and how pretty they look.

The chairman of the Islamic Faith Society in Odense, Smain Benyrbah, says that Muslim girls shouldn't display themselves in such a manner, and he calls upon girls to stay away from the competition. DR is crossing the lines, since according to the Koran a headscarf covers sexuality. Women should not show their beauty.

Bjarke Ahlstrand of DR, says that it's all nice and well that a few imams are upset, but they're not taking it too seriously, just as they didn't take the criticism about DR's Christmas show, Yallarup Færgeby, too seriously.

Politician Asmaa Abdol-Hamid is enthusiastic about the competition and encourages all young Muslims to sign up. She says 'Miss Headscarf" might sound superficial, but she thinks it challenges the opposition against woman's right to wear a headscarf. She says the competition is not about finding the most beautiful Muslim,abut to show the variety of women with headscarves. She says she doesn't see a problem if only girls send in modest, nice pictures.

Imam Mohamad Jammal from Skive isn't critical either. He says that if the aim is to get more understanding for the issue of the headscarf, then it's completely OK.

Source: Nyhedsavisen (Danish), h/t Uriasposten (Danish)

See also: Denmark: Imam blames media for violence