Saturday, May 03, 2008

Italy: Constitution translated to Arabic

Catholic charity Caritas will on Tuesday present an Arabic translation of the Italian constitution in a bid to help immigrants integrate in the southern city of Agrigento.

Caritas will distribute the Arabic translation to schools, offices, and public bodies in Agrigento in southern Sicily.
It is the iniative of the archbishop of Agrigento, Monsignor Carmelo Ferraro. Caritas' office in the diocese of Agrigento helped to supervise the translation.
"Immigrants are welcome in our country, but they have a duty to respect Italian laws," said local Caritas' director, Vito Scilabra.
"We have translated the constitution to increase immigrants' awareness of the laws that govern civic life in Italy."
Two thousand copies of the translation are being printed in Arabic and Italian.
Source: AKI (English)