Sunday, May 11, 2008

Netherlands: Higher pay for educated immigrants

Immigrants, particularly of Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese origin, with a bachelor's degree are higher paid than their ethnic Dutch colleagues. A study by Dutch Statistics shows that they are in a better position to negotiate for their salary and post.

Melek Usta is founder and manager of the recruitment and selection bureau Colourful People, explains it as follows: the need to sell has become greater and higher educated immigrants are aware of their market value and want to see that in their salaries. This leads to stiff negotiations.

Carmen Breeveld, manager of Team Care, thinks that it's due to the conscious choice made by an immigrant student. Surinamese students in particular choose an education which offers good prospects, like the ICT sector. That's because they expect their employers, often unconsciously, to discriminate.

Source: Planet (Dutch)

See also: Netherlands: Drop in immigrant unemployment, Netherlands: Anonymous job applications aren't helpful