Sunday, November 01, 2009

Belgium: Muslim Executive should stay out of politics

Belgium: Muslim Executive should stay out of politics

Is the headscarf ban just politics?


"The [Belgian] Muslim Executive should stop preaching political messages and keep to its administrative role," says MR parliament member Denis Ducarme in response to a press release by the Muslim Executive, the body representing Muslims in Belgium.  In it the Muslim Executive called further tightening of the headscarf ban for students unjustified.

According to Ducarme the Muslim Executive  may not do this.  The body should, according to him, stop making political statements  and should to keep to its administrative task.  "The administrative and organizational mission of the Muslim Executive is laid down in royal decrees," says Ducarme.  The MR politician wants Minister of Justice Stefaan De Clecrck to answer on the issue.

Source: HLN (Dutch)