Sunday, November 01, 2009

Germany: 'Germany Is Not a Battle Zone'

Germany: 'Germany Is Not a Battle Zone'

In July 2009, former Moroccan hate preacher Mohammed El Fazazi distanced himself from any form of terrorism aimed at Western targets in a letter to his daughter, who lives in Hamburg. SPIEGEL ONLINE has obtained a translated version of the letter, whose existence only recently became known.

"My daughter has put to me a few questions with the aim of finding answers about the situation of Muslim immigrants in Germany and their relationship with the German state. I consider myself truly happy that she has raised these topics with me because it provides me with the opportunity to express my thoughts and opinions about these issues and provide answers to those who seek them.

I would like to declare firstly that I, Muhammad bin Muhammad El Fazazi, the writer of these lines, has not been forced to put these down. I am under no pressure to write this, because I am in prison or have been put under pressure to do so or because I want to pretend about something -- and, as a proof of this, shall serve the logical arguments and the arguments of the sharia that I will put forward here.

In addition, my situation in a Moroccan prison is very unusual, given the rights that I enjoy here and the respect that I am met with. I am not lacking anything apart from my freedom, and I have appealed to the almighty Allah that it is given back to me as soon as possible. This is because everybody knows, including the Moroccan government, that the accusations against me, because of the attacks in Casablanca, are not true. They represent a big mistake on the part of the Moroccan secret service. This error must be corrected.

'I Have Moved Away from Some of My Beliefs'

Without a doubt, the long years that I had to spend behind bars in prison have given me an opportunity to contemplate and soberly reflect. I am not ashamed that I have once again reflected on my world of thoughts and have moved away from some of my beliefs. This is a laudable thing and not to be lamented. (...)

As for the questions regarding Muslim immigrants and the German state or Western states in general: The first ones who should answer those questions are the learned people who have emigrated themselves, because they know more about the details and more about those particular relations, they are living the everyday life and they experience the behavior of state institutions and they have contact with the population.

But if I were to say something personally about it, as someone who has on only two occasions spent two weeks in Germany -- not even enough time to allow me to really get to know the people and the country or even the Muslim community there -- then I would say that a Muslim immigrant, no matter where he comes from, has generally come to Germany because he wants to learn something there or he wants to work, seek medical treatment or any number of things. Germany accepted him under certain conditions.

'Germany Is Not a Battle Zone'

In order for these conditions to be formulated, certain forms have been filled out and certain contracts have been concluded. In these cases we are talking about real contracts that have to be adhered to. In reality this is what you would call an Ahd Amam, a security contract for both sides and Allah says in his beloved book: "You who have given security, keep the contracts."

So it follows that anything that breaks these contracts -- e.g. by declaring theft to be halal (editor's note: something which is permitted under Islam) (...) or by allowing the killing of the population in the name of jihad (...) or by trying to build cells who put people into a state of fear and horror and so on (...) -- in my eyes constitutes a breach of contract and betrayal in regard to what one has signed in the embassy, in the consulate or in the immigration office.

Germany is not a battle zone. Germany is a field for work, a school for learning, workshops for investments, hospitals for treatment and a market for the sale of goods. Put in another way, Germany is a place for peaceful coexistence and a good life -- not least of which because German judges and police (…) protect foreigners and take care of them. (...)

Muslims Seen as 'Group of Backward-Looking Idiots'

Of course there are people, and these are not learned people, who say that Germany is a NATO member state and that Germany is part of those states that fight against Muslims in Afghanistan and support the state of Israel (...) I say that this is right. An injustice is always an injustice and every one must stand up against injustice, including the German people. I know that (the German people) are against war and occupation and that they have more than once publicly expressed their rejection of the war in general.

It is the job of immigrants to debate and engage with such people. (This should be done) by means of peaceful demonstrations, strikes and protests that are far removed from indiscriminate attacks, the killing of innocent people with the argument of killing kuffar, or non-believers.

The rejection of German or other foreign policy must be organized through civilian, peaceful methods of resistance.

The strength of the argument lies not in a rifle bullet, in violence or in explosive belts. Those won't bring about change. They will only reinforce the backwardness of Muslims and their image as a group of backward-looking idiots whose place is in the caves and not in the streets of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin or wherever. That's what this is about. (…)


Source: Spiegel (English), h/t CLOSER