There's lots of information about the recent terror attack (and a few which followed).
Abusing widespread public fear after Monday’s Moscow metro bombings, hooligans have made hundreds of false phone call terror alerts.
Several suspects have been detained in connection with the Moscow attack.
Russian investigators have identified one of the women suicide bombers who carried out the Moscow metro attacks as the 17-year-old widow of a Caucasus militant, Kommersant daily reported Friday. The bomber was named as Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova. (Photo)
The suicide terrorists were supposedly recruited via internet.

The leader of the Islamic "Emirate of the Caucasus" Dokka Abu Usman has claimed responsibility for this week's Moscow metro bombings, The Kavkav Centre, a Chechen Internet site, said Wednesday.
But the group also denied responsibility:
"We did not carry out the attack in Moscow, and we don’t know who did it," Shemsettin Batukaev, a spokesman for the Caucasus Emirate organisation, told Reuters by telephone in Turkey.
The spokesman said the group planned attacks on economic targets inside Russia, but not against civilians. Its leader, Doku Umarov, vowed last month to spread a Caucasian insurgency to Russian cities.
A bomb was defused Wednesday in Kizlyar, Dagestan.
"At 20:00 [16:00 GMT] on the outskirts of Oguzer in the Kizlyar region, law enforcement officers found ... a homemade bomb made up of a 12-liter bucket filled with a mixture of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder, as well as destructive elements such as metal nuts and screws," the source told RIA Novosti.
One of the terrorist act executors in Kizlyar, Dagestan, was a Wahabi adherent registered in the local Department of Internal Affairs, Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.
It was a Kizlyar resident Daud Magomedov, born in 1988. He drove the Niva automobile and blew himself up when the road patrol officers tried to stop him.
Two men were killed and another injured when a car blew up in Dagestan on Thursday.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called on Thursday for tougher action against global terrorism.
"The range of anti-terrorism measures must be expanded; they should be not only more effective, but also more harsh, merciless and preventive. We must punish them [the terrorists]," the Russian president said.-----------------
More than 5,000 citizens gathered in the towns of Khasavyurt and Makhachkala in the southern region of Dagestan to protest the terrorist acts in Moscow and Kizlyar. On Wednesday a similar rally happened in Moscow.
Both rallies featured minutes of silence in commemoration of those who died as a result of the blasts.
A two-year long experiment kicks off on April 1, following several years of debates and disputes. Fourth graders in 19 Russian regions will start receiving tuition in “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”, Itar-Tass reports.