Denmark: New Integration Minister to change tone towards foreigners

Denmark: New Integration Minister to change tone towards foreigners

Via DR:

While the previous government made a point of putting a price tag on immigration to Denmark, the new SocDem-SocLib-SPP government wants to measure the progress of integrating "New Danes" in Denmark, writes Berlingske.

A new integration reform will introduce a so-called integration barometer as an ongoing indicator of the number of New Danes who find work. The government's goal is for 10,000 more immigrants and their descendants to be in employment by 2020.

The integration reform is one of the first items on the agenda for Minister of Social Affairs and Integration Karen Hækkerup (SocDem), she says to Berlingske, emphasising that "there will be a great many changes" in integration and immigration policy.

Among other things, the tone towards foreigners in Denmark will be improved.

"It pains me that so many people feel they are viewed as a problem. There's nothing worse than being labelled an outsider beforehand. Obviously people need to behave according to certain norms, but we need to change the tone so people feel welcome and that they are part of a community," says Karen Hækkerup.
