Friday, November 04, 2011

France: Islamophobia on the rise, Muslim group claims

France: Islamophobia on the rise, Muslim group claims

Via RFI:
Islamophobia is on the rise in France, according to figures released by the French Muslim umbrella group, CFCM. Attacks and insults perpetrated against Muslims went [up] 22 per cent in the first nine months of this year, the group says, and it fears that there will be more ahead of next year’s general election.

Citing Interior Ministry figures, the CFCM says that 115 cases were reported to the police between the beginning of January and the end of September.

But they are a gross underestimate, according to CFCM president Abdallah Zekri, because victims are often loath to go to the authorities.

“We can say that the rise, according to statistics we have, is about 50-55 per cent,” he told a press conference in Paris Thursday.
