Friday, November 04, 2011

Serbia: Rape sparks protest against refugee centre

Serbia: Rape sparks protest against refugee centre

(6000 residents, 2500 asylum seekers)

Via the Austrian Times:
The brutal gang rape of a British woman by five Afghan refugees has sparked a massive protest against illegal immigrants in a Serbian spa town.

The 38-year-old woman - who bravely managed to film the attack on her mobile phone - was repeatedly raped after befriending a group of Afghan men in a park in Banja Koviljaca.

Despite handing the video footage to police, only one alleged attacker - identified by police only as Abdurashid D., 25 - has been arrested.

Now local mothers have told police they are boycotting local schools from next week (nov 7) unless they clear out a local refugee centre containing more than 2,500 illegal immigrants which was built to hold just 120.

"These people are always hanging around the parks and streets during the day causing trouble," said one mum.

"They have no respect for us, no respect for women and we want them gone because they have no right to be here.Link
"My daughter isn't going to school again while four refugee rapists are still on the streets," she added.
