According to the Spanish Justice ministry, one member of the Spanish terrorist cell is suspected to be hiding in the Netherlands.
The man is Pakistani Akeel Abassi, who was supposed to commit an attack in Germany as part of a large scale terrorist plot in Europe. Abassi had fled in January after the arrest of suspected accomplices in Barcelona. The ten suspects had advanced plans for three suicide attacks on the Barcelona metro, according to an informant. The massacre was supposed to have come with demands for the withdrawal of Western troops from Afghanistan. Non-compliance would have resulted in a series of attacks in Germany,France, Great Britain and Portugal.
According to the informant, Abassi had left for France on Jan. 18 under orders of the terror cell. Several other suspects besides Abassi knew to escape as well. Police suspect they might have explosives, since they did not find much materials during the arrests.
Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)
See also: Barcelona cell planned European metro attack, three terrorists on the loose