Netherlands: Time for a Muslim political party

Mohamed Rabbae, chairman of the National Moroccan Council (LBM), says that it's time for an Islamic party in the Netherlands, similar to the CDA party (Christian Democratic Appeal).

Rabbae, former parliamentarian for GroenLinks, said in an interview to Sp!ts magazine that during the debate about Wilders' film, Fitna, he missed the contribution of a parliamentarian with a Muslim background. He sees for himself a role just as an adviser for such a new Muslim party and says he's loyal to GroenLinks.

Rabbae also said that the LBM will debate people who consider voting for Wilders' party, the PVV. In the next couple of years they will visit neighborhoods where many had voted for the PVV.

Rabbae says that speaking with Wilders is senseless since his attitude is such that you might as well be speaking to a robot. But his voters vote for him mostly because they are afraid of Muslims due to a poor knowledge of Islam."

Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)

See also: Denmark: New Islamic Party (?), Netherlands: New Islamic political party (hoax), Linkage (First Finnish Islamic Party)

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