Five far-right men went on trial on Thursday over a racist attack on two immigrants from Arab nations that marred a country wine festival last summer.
Prosecutors say a Sudanese man, 39, who was working at the festival, was clubbed to the ground with a wine bottle. An Egyptian, 39, who tried to rescue his co-worker, lost a finger when he was slashed with the jagged edge of a broken bottle.
Four of the five men confirmed to the court in Mainz, western Germany that they took part in the attack and uttered racist swear words including "nigger." The accused said they had been very drunk and felt that the immigrants were "provoking" them.
The men, known associates of a local neo-Nazi group, denied police evidence that at least three said "We'll wipe you niggers out."
The August 19 attack in the wine-growing town of Guntersblum occurred on the same day as an attack on Indian men in the eastern German town of Muegeln.
The men were on trial for jointly causing dangerous bodily harm were aged 17 to 29 at the time and were tried in a closed, youth court at Mainz because some had been minors.
Source: Expatica (English)
See also: Liege: 15 months for racist attack