Sweden/Switzerland: Difficulties in school for 2nd generation immigrants (UPDATE: Germany too)

Sweden/Switzerland: Difficulties in school for 2nd generation immigrants

New figures released by the Swedish National Agency for Education reveal that foreign-born children are still less likely than children born in Sweden to succeed in school. They also show that there are large differences depending on where the children came from. The study showed that after completing secondary school, only 25 percent of Somali-born students are ready for senior high school, compared to 82 percent of Finnish-born students.

This article was prepared by the Islam in Europe blog - islamineurope.blogspot.com

However, in an interview with Svenska Dagbladet today, the ethnologist René León Rosales cautioned that numbers alone cannot account for certain vital factors affecting a child's success.

"If you have a situation," said Rosales, "where none of the students have Swedish as a mother tongue, where many of the parents hold unsteady positions in the job market, where a large group of students have parents who are unfamiliar with the education system, that is probably not an environment conducive to high school grades."



The transition from education to job training is extremely difficult for young second-generation immigrants, according to the results of a study by the Federal Office for Migration and the National Science Foundation.

The study looked at 45 young people who were all born in Switzerland but retain the nationalities of their foreign-born parents.

It found that many of the young people could not find apprenticeships or were unable to gain access to secondary schools.

The researchers say this was due to their nationalities and that the results could apply to all Swiss cities with a high proportion of foreigners.

Sources: SR, WRS (English)

Update: Immigrant children disadvantaged in German schools

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