Basel: Proposal for Muslim old-age home
Via TdG (French):
The Basel-City canton is considering opening an old-age home for Muslims. Philippe Waibel, head of health services in the canton wrote in the Basler-Zeitung that the canton needs to see what services will be needed in the future, and that multicultural services don't just start with old-age homes.
In February, two socialist deputies of Turkish origin suggested opening such homes. Gülsen Oeztürk explained that until now the canton had neglected to consider how to care for first generation immigrants.
Swiss old-age homes currently have very few Muslims. This is because the immigrants are still young, but also because traditionally the families care for the elderly. Former spokesperson for the Geneva mosque, Hafid Ouardiri, cares for his 94 year old mother with his brother. She still lives at home.
However, the director of the Inter-Knowing Foundation says that an old-age home for Muslims is a good idea, provided that the place is also open to other faiths, since some people have no choice and can't rely on their families.
Switzerland has old-age homes for other religions, such as Jews or Seventh-Day Adventists.