Sunday, March 11, 2007

Norway: Fight immigrants' attitudes towards women

Saera Khan, Norwegian parliament member, attacks many of the attitudes of immigrant men towards women. She thinks they are the cause of the many rape attack in Oslo in the recent past.

"It isn't helpful to blame psychiatry or too few police in the streets"

There are attitudes towards women among conservative immigrant men which must be put on the table, she says. She points to the fact that 65% percent of rape attacks were done by immigrants and that the most of those come from Iraq and Somalia.

"As soon as we recognize what the problem is, we will also know where the solution lies"

"I believe I have a role where I can see this clearly and hopefully cause action," says the parliament's only representative with an immigrant background.

Saera Khan mentions several other examples showing this attitude towards women are prevalent in many immigrant societies:

"It's those same attitudes which are a cause for forced marriage, which by definition is a continuous rape. There are those who carry out circumcisions in order to limit women's sexual enjoyment. Immigrant women fill crisis centers. The same men are dissatisfied when their wives bear daughters and not boys. This cannot continue".

Furthermore, attitudes towards women are handed down, she points out: In schools with many immigrants boys it is common that female teachers as well as students are called whores. Here we must confront attitudes that cannot be allowed to spread further."

Source: VG nett (Norwegian)

See also: Sweden: fight the honor culture