Monday, March 12, 2007

Utrecht: Riots

The death of Rinie Mulder caused violent riots Monday evening in the Ondiep neighborhood of Utrecht. The anger of about 150 rioters was aimed at the police. Mulder was shot dead by a policeman Sunday evening. A crowd of especially youth, among them a strong nucleus of FC Utrecht supporters, left a trail of destruction through Ondiep.

Agents and later in the evening riot police were stoned. The former police station in the neighborhood, garbage cans, service bicycles and a car were all set on fire. Windows of empty buildings also had to pay for it.

The group of rioters gathered together around 6pm at the corner were Mulder was shot. The incident happened after a scuffle with immigrant youth. Mulder was shot outside his door. Mulder and the other residents had complained for months about nuisance caused by the youth.

According to the mayor, Brouwer, the violence is a sign that it "is clearly brewing by a specific group". "This group seizes this incidents in order to be counted in the neighborhood. We must protect the neighborhood against that." Brouwer says she is shocked by the accident Sunday evening and understands the indignation of the residents who feel they have been abandoned. "I understand that residents are sometimes upset about the nuisance around their own house and neighborhood. That does you no good whatsoever."

Source: (Dutch)

See also: Utrecht: Ondiep roundup