Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sweden: More people smugglers arrested

Seven people have been arrested in the Stockholm area on suspicion of people smuggling. The suspects are thought to have smuggled people from Iraq to Sweden over a long period of time, Dagens Nyheter reports. The arrests came about as a result of a police investigation that began in autumn of last year. The seven people seized from various suburbs in the southern part of the city on Tuesday consisted of both men and women. "There are a lot of people who want to profit from the political instability in Iraq. But we will have to wait for an investigation to show just how many people were smuggled in," public prosecutor Marie Lind Thomsen told Dagens Nyheter. There is no clear connection between the Stockholm raid and similar police operations carried out in Malmö and Västernorrland on Tuesday. "They are different cases. There may be a connection but it is not something we know about at the moment," said Marie Lind Thomsen. The suspects are currently being held for questioning. Police also confiscated a number of mobile telephones and computers during the raid. "We hope to be able to find more leads from the confiscated material," said police spokeswoman Petra Sjölander.
Source: The Local (English)

See also: Sweden: People smugglers arrested