Sunday, February 03, 2008

Denmark: Immigrating from Germany, emigrating to Sweden

Not related to Islam, but this issue does come up in this context, so here's two news items to throw in to the mix.


The number of Germans moving to Denmark has increased almost threefold in the past five years, while the number of Danes moving to Sweden is hitting all time highs. EU citizens have to register after living in another country for more than six months.

In 2003 1,586 German citizens registered in Denmark, in 2007 that went up to 4,283. All together there are 16,179 German citizens in Denmark. Most move to South Jutland, the continental border area with Germany. There are reports of many requests for information from Germans interested in moving.

At the same time, falling housing prices in the Copenhagen area and rising prices in Malmø do not deter the Danes from moving. In the first three quarters of 2007, 5,065 Danes moved to Sweden. 250 more than in that same time period in 2006.

It's generally cheaper to live in Sweden. Danes can save up to 900,000 kroner (~$180,000) by buying a 140 sqm house in the Malmø area, just a few kilometers drive from Copenhagen.

Previous studies have predicted that there will be 20,100 Danes in Malmø in 2020. More and more Danes have families, friends or colleagues living in Malmø and that starts off its own dynamic.

Sources: Berlingske, DR (Danish)