While conflicts about religion and Islam show up more and more in the public debate, the employment of an increasing number of colleagues of visibly religious background goes on frictionlessly in Danish workplaces.
A study by the Integration Ministry shows that most companies don't see problems in connection with their employees religious attitudes or practicing of their faith during work hours. 90% of companies accept women wearing a headscarf. 80% don't mind that employees pray during work hours.
Almost all companies with a cafeteria or other food facilities for the employees take into account the employees' special food requirements. For example, Muslim's attitude towards pork or food prepared with alcohol.
Just four companies report having rare problems in connection with their employee's religious interests.
There are limits to tolerance, though. 95 of the companies interviewed said they won't accept female employees wearing a niqab or burka, where only the eyes are visible.
A majority of the companies keep traditions such as Christmas dinners, social arrangements. Most keep the right to be a "Danish" workplace with "Danish" traditions.
The study was conducted by LG Insight for the Integration Ministry and included among others: ISS, TDC,DSB, Falck, Coop Danmark, Dansk Supermarked, Arla, 3X34 and Jysk.
Source: DR (Danish)