Thursday, February 14, 2008

Denmark: Muhammad cartoons roundup

Following up on the arrest of Muslims suspected of having wanted to kill one of the Mohammed caricaturists, and the reprinting of the Muhammad cartoons by at least 18 Danish newspapers, Denmark fears a renewal of the Muhammad cartoon crisis.

Iranian Press TV reports Denmark's ambassador in Iran, Søren Haslund, had "bewailed" the republication of the Muhammed cartoons by Danish newspapers. Haslund denies he said he apologized or regretted the reprinting.. He says he can't go into detail about what was said at a meeting with Iranian authorities, but confirms he promised to give the Danish authorities and foreign ministry a detailed report of the Iranian viewpoint.

Kurt Westergaard got support from a Scandinavian group of ex-Muslims. On Facebook a group of Danes created a 'Kurt Westergaard Support' group. Several well-known Danes subscribed to the group. Another new Danish group is called 'Undskyld Muhammed' (sorry Muhammed). Both have about the same amount of members.

Professor Vladimir Sjukov, one of Bulgaria's Islam experts does think the cartoon republication would cause renewed riots. He thinks the Mohammed crisis was a one time occurrence.

Several embassies aboard have warned Danes in their area. In Lebanon, Iran and Pakistan Danish companies and residents have been warned to be extra careful. In Lebanon especially, there are fears of demonstrations due to events in the country.

Pia Kjærsgaard (Danish People's Party) and Naser Khader (New Alliance) don't think there's a reason to protect god in the 21st century and want to scrap the blasphemy law.

In reaction to the reports of a plot to kill Westergaard, the Muslim Council of Denmark said it's a shame that a group of people are taking Islam hostage for their own motives. Actions of this type don't and will not have a place in Islam. In a press release the group said they are pleased that the Danish Intelligence Service was vigilant in this issue and they trust the police had the necessary reasons to act.

The association's spokesperson, Zubair Butt Hussain, doesn't see a reason to get excited about the reprinting of the cartoons, but is doubtful it benefits freedom of speech.

Sources: DR 1, 2, Nyhedsavisen, Berlingske Tidende 1, 2, Jyllands-Posten, TV2 (Danish)

See also: Denmark: Caricaturist murder plan arrests roundup, Århus: Five arrested for cartoonist murder plans