Sunday, May 08, 2011

Finland: True Finns Party chair scolds colleague for immigration statements (UPDATE: No crime)

Finland: True Finns Party chair scolds colleague for immigration statements

Via YLE:
True Finns Party chair Timo Soini has needed to reprimand one of the party’s new MPs after his words about immigration caused an uproar.

Soini had to explain the rules of the game to his party’s new MP Teuvo Hakkarainen. Soini emphasised to Hakkarainen that he now has to be more careful in his language.

In an interview with the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, Hakkarainen complained about “Negros” arriving at Finland’s borders and warned that minarets would arise all over Helsinki and disturb people’s peace with calls to prayer. He also imitated a call to prayer.

“I have talked with Hakkarainen and I hope that such use of language does not occur again,” Soini stated.

Hakkarainen himself explained his choice of words by saying that he was from the countryside.


Helsinki police intends to investigate Hakkarainen for his remarks.

Update: Helsinki police say Hakkarainen did not commit a crime.