Via the Daily Mail (h/t LibertyPhile):
She is supposed to be advertising a sexy bikini.
But instead the model on this poster, in Birmingham, has been defaced in an act of vandalism blamed on militant Muslims who were offended by her flesh.
Similar acts of vandalism have been carried out in the London borough of Tower Hamlets. Police there also believe extremists are responsible.
The advert, which promotes a £3.99 bikini top from high-street fashion retailer H&M, a scantily-dressed model stands on a sun-kissed, white sand beach.
Covered up: The bikini model's body and face have been obscured by spray paint on this street in Birmingham
Covered up: The bikini model's body and face have been obscured by spray paint on this street in Birmingham
The freestanding advertising unit, stands in the Balsall Heath area of Birmingham, which has a large Muslim population.
Across the road from 'Muslim Students House Masjeed', an education centre, the poster is next to a busy main road.
The fact that almost all of the model's flesh has been covered has led local residents to speculate that the vandalism was not random, but a religiously-motivated targetted attack.(source)