Thursday, January 25, 2007

Belgium: Former Muslim Executive president freed

The former president of the Muslim Executive in Belgium, Mohamed Boulif, was released.  The man had been held for eight days for abusing trust.

This came about after it was concluded Wed. morning that the computers that had been bought by Boulif and that had not been found were actually at the Executive.  Because the missing computer were found there is no reason anymore for the ex-president to be held in jail, according to the Brussels court.

In a press release that was published Monday, the current president of the Muslim Executive assured that the computer material that was written up in the invoices was indeed present at the Executive offices.  The president based himself on an inventory that was set up on Monday.  Imran Akhtar, the spokesman of the Executive says that they have never kept the disappearance of the computers under wraps.

When the Executive management changed. it caused confusion between the references written up on the invoices and those that corresponded with the materials.

"We ourselves couldn't verify it because we did not have the invoices until the company that had delivered the materials, SGI SCRL, came to our offices to make an inventory." said the spokesman.

The computer material - PCs, laptops, servers and printers - is being used at this moment by various staff members.

Source: HLN (Dutch)

See also:
Belgium: Muslim Executive denies allegations, Belgium: Former Muslim leader held for embezzlement

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