Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Al-Qaeda: New recruiting video features German Jihadis

Al-Qaeda: New recruiting video features German Jihadis

Via Telegraph:

A recruiting video produced by German militants and posted on an al-Qaeda website has cast fresh light on how European Islamists are joining insurgents fighting in Pakistan's mountainous tribal areas.

The 51-minute film shows German-speaking gunmen, armed with AK-47s, light machine guns and mortars, apparently taking on Pakistani troops in South Waziristan and Orakzai, areas close to the border with Afghanistan.

They include a clean-shaven man of Caucasian appearance, who wears a baseball hat pulled low on his face and sunglasses.


The new video is filmed in the style of a travelogue – offering a running commentary on the beauty of the region's forested valleys and scenic waterfalls – but includes a chilling call to arms in German, exhorting young Muslims to join them in their fight against Pakistan and its American ally.

"Join the Taliban and the Mujahedeen in the holy war against the infidel government so we can establish sharia law in Pakistan and avenge all the crimes against us," says a bearded fighter.


See also: Spain: Attacks planned on Andalucia, Britain, Germany, France, Portugal