Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brussels: Imam speaks against Women's Day, Jews

Brussels: Imam speaks against Women's Day, Jews

Via Philosémitisme, La Capitale:

An imam in Anderlecht (Brussels) preached against women and Jews in his Friday sermon, as revealed by the RTBF current affairs program "Questions à la Une". The imam of the Al-Amal mosque was secretly filmed as he spoke in his sermon about International Women's Day.

The imam spoke out against the unthankful, coarse people who created Women's Day, which is not part of Muslim culture. "Only the ignorants celebrate this day, or political politicians who want to confuse the people of God's way. Fear God, follow the Sunnah (Muslim law) and avoid innovative cultures which are not part of Islam."

The imam then went on to speak of the Jewish roots of the day. "What they call Women's Day [...] it's the holiday of Purim, which is of Jewish origin and which dates back to 480 BC. A Jew, Clara Zetkin, revived this holiday in the 20th century. Listen, Muslim women, in celebrating this day, you imitate the Jewish women in behavior which is far from divine."

According to mosque administrator Azzouzi Hamidou, the sermon was not planned, and was delivered as a response to a question asked by a parishioner. The imam was reprimanded and will be fired if he continues.

Update: small fixes throughout