Copenhagen: Churches shouldn't be turned into mosques since 'Islam is an enemy of Christianty'
Via JV:
Islam is an enemy of Christianity, says former Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs, Birthe Rønn Hornbech (Liberals), and therefore Muslims shouldn't be taking over churches which have closed down. 16-17 churches in Copenhagen face closure.
The former minister spoke on the issue after Per Ramsdal, pastor of Brorson's Church in Nørrebro, suggested the churches can be used by Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus.
Birthe Rønn Hornbech wrote in a mail to Berlinkske News that he will publicly oppose the churches being turned over to another religious, when that religious is a direct enemy of Christianity, as is Islam, for example. Even if it doesn't necessarily apply to Danish Muslims, Islam is an enemy of Christianity.
Kirkefondet (Church Foundation), which owns half the churches due to be closed down, has denied that their churches will be sold to Muslims or other faiths. General Secretary Morten Skrubbeltrang 'fears there will be public resistance, if a church will be turned into a mosque'.
Birthe Rønn Hornbech backs Kirkefondet's right to decide who the churches will be sold to. However, he expects them to use the money for a new church where it is needed.