Thursday, July 01, 2010

UK: Rise in men reporting forced marriages

UK: Rise in men reporting forced marriages

An increasing number of men are being forced into marriage, a government body revealed Thursday, often because they are gay or bisexual.

The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) says it received more than 220 emails and calls to its helpline last year about suspected forced marriages involving male victims -- up 65 percent from 134 in 2008.

And the figures may be just the tip of the iceberg, experts believe, with many more cases unreported.

This article was prepared by the Islam in Europe blog -

Because the problem is more common among women, the plight of men forced into marriage often goes unheard, ministers said.

Jeremy Browne, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) minister for consular policy, said: "Although this continues to be an issue affecting both men and women, people often don?t realise that men can be victims of forced marriage too.

"Fourteen percent of the cases handled by the Forced Marriage Unit last year involved men and it's a problem we are determined to raise awareness about and help communities to address."

Men may be forced into marriage for a variety of reasons, including to secure visas, control behaviour, or protect a family?s reputation, according to the FMU -- a joint initiative between the FCO and Home Office.

However, often there is a link with the man's sexuality, with gay or bisexual male victims forced into wedlock with a woman because their sexuality is seen to bring shame on the family.

Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone said: "When young men are forced into marrying women it can be because they are gay or bisexual, or their families suspect that they are. This kind of abuse must not be tolerated.

"Adults working with young people need to be alert to young men who may be vulnerable to forced marriage."

The FMU has received more than 80 reports of men being forced into marriage so far this year, most commonly aged between 15 and 24.


The majority of cases of forced marriage reported in the UK involve South Asian families but there have been cases involving families from East Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa, the FMU report stated.


Source: AFP

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