Saturday, November 12, 2005


A recent conference in Bucharest dealt with the issues of integrating Islam into Europe. It is indeed a worthy goal, but it is a question: what do the organizers mean by 'integration'? A quick look through their schedule shows more of a push to teach Europeans about Islam rather than to explain to Muslims about the European society - its demands and expectations.

From the press release:
If we want to work on a Europe which is fit to live in for everyone, not only Muslims should become more active participants in society, but also European societies should open up more. We should somehow over think our self-image of Europe as a tolerant, liberal and secular union and realize how the situation really is today. It’s indispensable that we demand comparable rights for all religions, fight discrimination against minorities and create a righteous image about what ‘Europe’ or ‘Islam’ really means is and how they played their roles through history.

The final conference was meant as closing up of the project, but the team realised that they can not stop their efforts yet. Too many people are still interested to learn more about Islam and its integration in Europe and ideas for new events are still floating in. That means that our destiny is not fulfilled yet, or maybe we are still at the beginning. But hopefully all those initiatives will keep the project going for the next year(s)!

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